Monday, December 11, 2006

Movie Packed Weekend

Woot!!! This whole Week go see movie 4 times!! Nice!! On Thursday go One U too see movie but all shows are sold out or the times is not 'ngam' so we see 'My Mother The BellyDancer' stupid lar that show!! Waste my two hrs..then on Saturday i go see ' The Game Of their Lives' dam good show.. felt insipred by that show.. the moral of that show is underdogs do win.. Then on Sunday i go see 'After This Our Exile ' so sad....Vry sad Show.. then today I Finally got to see 'Happy Feet' the show is dam Funny!!!

Now for some Manchester United Results:
Manchester United 3-1 Manchester City
and another big game
Chelsea 1 - Arsenal 1

Ok thats all for now...

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